RE: [CH] dogs and habs

Robert Rasmussen (
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 11:14:28 -0800

I think you can definitely build up a tolerance to capsaicin, and then lose
it... When I was young, Tabasco sauce was too hot, but over the years I eat
hotter and hotter stuff until I was putting Marie Sharp's fiery hot on
everything I ate.

Then... after eating chiles "moderately" for awhile, I noticed my tolerance

... of course now I'm back to, and maybe beyond, my previous level. :)

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dan Turkette
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:55 AM
To: 'Preston Ware';
Subject: RE: [CH] dogs and habs

I think it is genetic, to a degree. I could handle about 50M SKU 8 years
ago, but now I cannot get it hot enough. I actually use ground hab as a
condiment like most people use pepper.

I think that over time you build up a tolerance to capsicum. My 13 year-old
son and I grow quite a large collection of peppers, with Habs being the
predominant choice. Every fall we make hot sauce and in the beginning he
wouldn't touch the stuff. Now he spoons it right out of the pot on the stove
while my wife won't even be in the house for fear of the fumes.

I have a 7 year-old black lab and he hates anything peppery, even black
pepper. Even now and then when he's begging for whatever I'm eating I toss
him something coated with either Jim's Red Savina, (my favorite) or dusted
with ground hab (yeah, I'm a sick puppy) and he goes bonkers for the next 10
minutes, you'd think he'd learn...


    I think that hot sauce tolerance in genetic. Or maybe there is a hot
sauce chromosome in the back of the brain. Right next to the one for sex
drive or the need to drink an adult beverage now and then. I once met a 4
year boy who was addicted to Marie Sharp's mild.