Re: RE: [CH] dogs and habs
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 15:10:14 +0000

> From: "Robert Rasmussen" <>
> I think you can definitely build up a tolerance to capsaicin, and then lose
> it... When I was young, Tabasco sauce was too hot, but over the years I eat
> hotter and hotter stuff until I was putting Marie Sharp's fiery hot on
> everything I ate.

I agree.

Although it feels like pain, there is really nothing physically bad going on when one eats too much hot stuff. There is a bonding of molecules, and then a 'ripping' of that molecule off of the receptor areas. The nerve endings interpret this as 'pain', and go like crazy telling the brain about this 'pain'.

This is something the brain can get used to.
Especially since there is no healing needed -- nothing bad actually happened.

I have no clue how I started to enjoy hot stuff. I remember only 8 years ago thinking that Tobasco was really hot stuff. Last week I found a bottle of Marie Sharp's Fiery Hot and it was gone in two meals. Great stuff, though!
