Re: [CH] recipe request

Doug Irvine (
Tue, 11 May 2004 20:21:10 -0700

Helen L. Gillis wrote:

> Hi All -
> De-lurking for a moment to ask for spicy recipes for the NEW TOY.  Fry
> Daddy.  I don't have any good fritter recipes, etc.  Any suggestions??
> Sadly, won't have enough time to grow anything from seed.  Buying plants to
> put in pots this weekend :-)
> Thanks in advance - Helen

Hi is a good, spicy, light batter for whatever you wanna 
deep fry in that new toy! I am sure you can find potato starch, in 
Canada it is by Best Foods.

1	cup Casco potato starch
2	tsp baking powder
1/2	tsp salt
1/4	tsp Jims'smoked hab powder
2	tbls corn oil
1	egg
3/4	cup skim or 2% milk

Combine the dry ingredients. Spin the milk & egg in blender, and add to 
dry stuff. Mix well until it is a smooth batter. Get the fry baby 
hot(with peanut oil, best) and dip the food, whatever, chicken, shrimp, 
veggies, etc., and let excess drip off. Place carefully into the hot fat 
and cook until done. Remove and let drain on paper towels and keep warm 
in a hot oven, so it will stay crisp. Enjoy, this is a great batter, and 
  Jim Campbell's apple smoked hab powder absolutely does the 
trick.Besides he is away off in a cruise ship somewhere, so he can't 
defend himself!
Cheers, Doug in BC