RE: [CH] Southern California Hotluck - July 31

Riley J. McIntire (
Mon, 7 Jun 2004 13:42:57 -0700

The unit nominally known as <Snyder,
Curt []> had this to say on Monday, June 07, 2004 9:03

> It's time for a Southern California Hotluck! We're currently targeting
> July 31, but could also have it on August 7th. Location is at

> Please let me know if you are interested in attending and pass this on
> to anyone else who might be interested as well!

> Curt & Susie Snyder

Just checked with my better half, Mary, who thinks either date works for
us so we'd be very pleased to come this year.

We'd like to bring something of course. Any requests? And if we can
contribute in any other way please let us know.

Hot regards,
