Re: [CH] rocoto

Brent Thompson (
Fri, 09 Jul 2004 09:33:45 -0700

> how ROCOTO can best grown?

Rocoto is from mountains in South America relatively near equator, in
places where temps are neither very high nor very low, and humidity is also
not very low.


warm, mild temperatures -- ideal is maybe 60-70 degrees F.:
	maximum temp at which they continue to grow, flower, and set fruit
		perhaps 85-90 degrees F. 
	minimum temp at which they continue to grow, flower, and set fruit
		perhaps 40-45 degrees F. 
	maximum temp they can survive:
		at least 100-105 F. (untested by me except for short periods)
		they suffer more stress if humidity is very low
		they suffer less stress if light level is lower, e.g. shade cloth
			(presumably due to lowered leaf temperatures)
	minimum temp they can survive:
		they can tolerate freezing (32 F.), for short periods
		so, maybe absolute minimum is 1-3 degrees below freezing

normal watering regimen (like other chiles)
normal soil (like other chiles)
normal fertilization (like other chiles)

 ---   Brent