Re: [CH] rocoto

Brent Thompson (
Mon, 12 Jul 2004 09:58:38 -0700

> but the little plants have difficulty to graw, some leaves are curling
> up, and some plants withered.  May be is due to an excess of nitrogen or to
> an excess of peat that icrease the pH ?

To me, this sounds most like excessive dryness, e.g. low humidity with high
temperatures.  I can imagine too low a soil pH (i.e. too acidic) would also
cause such symptoms, and too much peat would definitely make the soil
acidic.  Chiles don't like acidic soil, they like soil that is pretty close
to neutral (or maybe even pH 8?, all I remember is the part about wanting
soil pretty close to neutral).
 ---   Brent