[CH] Great little grow this year! (Long time no post!)

Shaun Rimmer (shaun@newtronic.co.uk)
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:03:55 +0100

Hi Folks! ',;~}~

Been a while since I posted anything - too many lists and groups, too much
work to do, and a helluvah lot going on in life and all that (1st
anniversary was August 1st, BTW!)

Well this year, NONE of our seeds got anywhere. Most just plain didn't
germinate, the rest died shortly after when we were out of town and the
temps rocketed. We do have one survivor of unknown origin however. It's
small, late, but it's just started setting flowers.

We over-wintered a red candelabra-style ornamental that is small but full of
fruit (pretty, but mild and poor flavour), as well as two good plants from
last year - one is supposed to be a red-hab, the other a red scotch bonnet -
I can't tell which is which, as one plant has two very distinct shapes of
peppers on it, and the other has quite a bit of variation, but they both
have many fruits that are similar to the other's. Flavour and heat of the
two plants fruits are comparable - BLOODY MARVELOUS! ',;~}~

These pair are only 2 - 3 feet high, by about the same across, but they're
very nicely loaded with many juicy red peppers, and many more that are huge
but still green. The first peppers to ripen (tiny ones) off each plant were
by far the hottest, and a tiny 1mm thick sliver of one, about 1cm long had
me in tears and jumping up and down! The later, larger ones have all the
flavour, but considerably less heat. Zero complaints from us, though - they
still explode the head more'n a half litre of nitro!

We've been growing a few things this year, including some house plants, and
some 'exotic' cacti - got about 1 or 200 tiny little cacti that we grew from
seed (Tricocereus peruvianus...) that are doing fantastically, and another
log-cutting (T. panchoi...) that has a nice bud on and good roots set now
too. These were sent to me from a friend in the US. Gonna make gifts of some
of the seedlings in a year or two, keep some to grow more, and see if the
local nurseries are interested in some of the rest.

Have some wild Texan tepins coming to me soon from the same kind friend, so
will hopefully have plenty of seeds from t hose to plant up next year.
Started collecting a few different ones already, with the plan to over-take
the entire greenhouse with leetle peepers next time!

Oh well - hope everyone and their crops are doing well still - take good
care, I'll be back!


Shaun aRe