RE: [CH] Odd ASCII characters in Digest

Riley J. McIntire (
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:44:47 -0700 <Cameron Begg
[]> was compelled to say on Tuesday, August 10,
2004 7:36 AM:

> Hi C-H's,
> For the last year or two my digests have had each line
> terminated by some ASCII character which looks like a square.
> The posts are still readable but with some difficulty. Anyone
> else see this? I am using Mac OSX 10.3.4 so it might be some
> Windows line wrapping character perhaps.


That's probably what's going on--Mac doesn't use hard/carriage returns
(dos/windows) or newlines (unix)--the digest may be inserting them if
you don't see them in normal ascii mail.

Your version of OSX uses FreeBSD 5.x I believe so this should work--you
can see all characters, printing and otherwise, if you feel adventurous,
by saving the digest to a file, say `digest1', then opening Terminal.
Find your file (`ls' or `ls -l'), then open it with vi:

vi digest1 <enter>

A bunch of `^M's are dos/windows hard returns (CR). Then type this
character sequence, exactly:

:set list  <enter>

and you'll see all non printing characters. `$'s are newlines (unix),
`^I' is tab. You may see others. To exit vi, type

:q  <enter>

If you accidentally change something and it won't let you exit without
saving, type

:q!  <enter>

Real Men (and Women) use vi as their editor! Please note I'm pretty
ignorant about Macs.

More on topic, you growing Rocotos this year? Most of my chiles are
doing well as my soil recovers from the allelopathic walnut mulch I used
a few years ago. But no rocotos! Don't know if it's the soil or the
climate here but haven't had much luck with them. Might try them next
year. Fortunately a couple local Mexican markets regularly carry them.

Regards to you and the family!
