[CH] Big Daddy's Contest

Mon, 23 Aug 2004 20:57:48 +0000

Have any of you heard about this? I know a couple on this list are from Des Moines...


Big Daddy's BBQ sauce. They have a challenge where you fork up your own money, and if you win, you get about 2.5X back in cash. If you lose, your money is donated to the local Food Bank.

3) You must eat an entire sandwich with the Bar-B-Q Sauce on it. (10 minutes)

4) You may not drink any liquids during the challenge.

5) You must "keep food down" for 30 minutes after the challenge.

There are different levels of heat, with different levels of cash involved. However, looks like the lowest one on their list is at least over 200,000 scoville units. The highest one pays out $10K.
