[CH] Mailwasher

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:39:33 -0400

As a followup, I did a quick google search on your email address and got 
222 hits.

Do you think spammers aren't smart enough to do the same thing?

                                          Scott Peterson

Most spammers today no longer harvest addresses,  for one thing it's 
against the law  RE: CAN SPAM act circa Jan 2003.

A computer can generate an address list faster  than a havester can get 
10 names.

I could do it in the old GW Basic  with about 100 lines of code,  and 
with a Pentium 4 or 5  processor  you could do 64 to the 32nd power 
combinations in less time than it took you to find me on google.

Here's your #1 spammer in the world,  Alan Ralsky


The last I knew he was sending over 10 Billion e-mail spams per month.

These guys spend most of their time finding windows NTS servers that 
have open relays so that they can forge that address.


Back to making next batch of chile tomato juice