RE: [CH] Mailwasher

Dan Turkette (
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:04:43 -0500

A lot of them get it off the Chile-head archives. See here:

Daniel H. Turkette
President & Executive Chef
The Great American Spice Co Inc
The World's Largest Spice Store(tm)
628 Leesburg Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46808

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Byron []
> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:40 AM
> To: Chile Heads
> Subject: [CH] Mailwasher
> As a followup, I did a quick google search on your email address and got
> 222 hits.
> Do you think spammers aren't smart enough to do the same thing?
>                                           Scott Peterson
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> Most spammers today no longer harvest addresses,  for one thing it's
> against the law  RE: CAN SPAM act circa Jan 2003.
> A computer can generate an address list faster  than a havester can get
> 10 names.
> I could do it in the old GW Basic  with about 100 lines of code,  and
> with a Pentium 4 or 5  processor  you could do 64 to the 32nd power
> combinations in less time than it took you to find me on google.
> Here's your #1 spammer in the world,  Alan Ralsky
> The last I knew he was sending over 10 Billion e-mail spams per month.
> These guys spend most of their time finding windows NTS servers that
> have open relays so that they can forge that address.
> L.B.
> Back to making next batch of chile tomato juice