Fwd: Re: [CH] White-flowered Rocoto

Grant Cameron (Grant.Cameron@rbg.vic.gov.au)
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 09:14:01 +1000

I have had a similar experience with the manzano not fruiting evenly the first year.  The one that I put in the garden, watered, mulched and took care of grew to a great size, looks healthy & green - but no fruit.  The second one that I put in a pot and didn't do to much to grew to a small size and produced 6 fruits in the first year.

In the second year the tide turned - the garden one had lots of fruit and the potted one struggled along with 6 or so pods again.

cheers, grant

>>> Will McCown <will@ross-mccown.com> Sunday, 24 July 2005 09:49:12 >>>
JohnT wrote:
>  No pods set yet even though blooming for 
> nearly a month.  Not unusual for my growing area.  Compact, bushy plant.

I planted a Rocoto Red this year to see what they are like and I've
got the same symptoms -- the plant looks very healthy, and has been
blooming like mad all through our typical Southern California June
(overcast and cool) and July (Sunny, Hot), but no fruit set.  Is
there some magic I don't know about?  Peruvian bees perhaps?

Will McCown, South Pasadena, CA