Re: [CH] From the Hot Sauce Blog
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 11:20:30 -0500

Why are you doing this? How many copies of the internet do we need? If people want to read Nick's hot sauce blog, they can just go to: every day.

Or if they want it straight to their email:
1) Google Mail (GMAIL) provides RSS feeds 
2) R|Mail:

If you were linking to each article AND commenting on each one, then that would be a worthy discussion. Copying & Pasting something we've already seen isn't very useful, though.


> From: "Linda Panter" <>
> Subject: [CH] From the Hot Sauce Blog
> Frostbite Hot Sauce
> Posted on 07.25.05 by Nick @ 7:23 am
> Spurred by the comments of a reader, I moved my scheduled