Re: [CH] OF 2005 - Ted the Chilehead's Cassoulet

Ted Wagner (
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:10:43 -0700 (PDT)

=)  Well, good thing you mentioned, I left a note on
the msn group, but not here!

Cassoulet is from France...well, somewhere in Europe
it's popular, I know that.  ;)

But, this cassoulet is basically like a bean and
sausage stew.  I had lamb bratwurst and andouille
sausage and chicken last year.  Not sure what the
grocery store will produce for me this evening, but
I'll try to be creative.  Some year, I'll make my home
made sausage for this dish.  ;)

But, it has white northern beans, chicken, sausages of
several kinds, onions, tomatoes (always RED GOLD),
garlic, open fields peppers fresh picked of course,
and I always include some wine from our good friend
Steve Thomas from the Thomas Family Winery down in

Sometimes I don't always make it to Madison for the
spring fling hotluck, but I always try to buy Steve's
wines.  Besides being good (and him having THE best
"authentic" english cider that I've ever had) I always
try to buy his wine as a thanks for his support of us
chileheads throughout these years.  His wine is tough
to find at times in Indy.  ;)  But, I usually locate


--- wrote:

> What's in the Cassoulet?

--- wrote:

> What's in the Cassoulet?

Ted Wagner's  Electric Telegraph Reference Library Website
Signal Corps Website
USMT (Military Telegraph)