[CH] OF 2005 - Ted the Chilehead's Cassoulet

Ted Wagner (trwagner1@yahoo.com)
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:42:55 -0700 (PDT)

Ok folks, I'm making my list.  I'm not sure how much
to buy, so how many are interested in again partaking
in the Open Fields Cassoulet?  I also need to bring
several recipes to give away at the same time.

right now, I'm going to fix for 16 people.  If more
than that respond to my email before the day is over,
I'll triple the recipe to make sure I can get up to 24
or more.  

Remember, bring your trash bags, electric fly swatters
for the pesky bees, extra eating utensils!  ;)

"Ted the Chilehead"

Ted Wagner's  Electric Telegraph Reference Library Website
Signal Corps Website
USMT (Military Telegraph)