[CH] oil based capsaicin extract

Mike Nestrud (pink@gehennom.net)
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 12:19:57 -0500

I picked the last coupla' pounds of habaneros from the garden at work
and have been working on an extract all weekend.  This is the process
and some notes:

First I sliced the chiles really thin and put them in a freezer
overnight.  Yesterday I added about 2-3c of canola oil to a pot, put
in the chiles, and brought it to a simmer and let it go until all the
water was gone.  It has been steeping at around 170F ever since, while
being shut off last night when I went out.

The goal here is to get not sommuch flavor, but heat into that oil.  It
is pretty hot at this point but not quite what I was expecting.  Judging
the heat of the oil has its own problems though because I know I'm
desensitizing myself as I keep tasting it - so this morning I tasted
bout 2mL of the oil, and a few minutes later ate a whole wild brazil.
The heat is comparable.

I'm going to let it go about 4 more hours and then strain it, put it
back on the stove to simmer any remaining water out, and bottle it.  

If I were to repeat the process I would use less oil.  While it
wasn't even enough to cover the chiles to start, now that they're limp
and dehydrated I could have used less.  I may even dehydrate them first
for the same reason.  The other option I think would be to steep them in
batches in less oil, which if I can find another pound or two of habs at
the store I may do anyway to this batch.  



Teaching Assistant      |  "The solar garlic starts
American Bounty, CIA    |   to rot."
pink@gehennom.net       |