[CH] Hunan Hand

Mon, 25 Sep 2006 07:48:04 -0400 (EDT)

Had some free time Saturday so headed to Philly and the Italian Market. Was a good day to go if you are a chilehead. Lots of chiles at the stands, including habaneros selling for $2.50 a pound. We passed a stand with huge, glossy poblanos for sale and we really like chile rellenos, so bought a bunch at 5/$1. As usual, came home with far more produce than we could easily handle.

Sunday afternoon I fired up the grill and roasted the poblanos. When I cleaned them, I was wearing a glove on my left hand (I tried to sand off my fingertips earlier while making boomerangs and the tips burned when I was juicing about 50 key limes) I never bothered to wear a glove on the right hand. It must have been an hour later and I noticed my hand was tingling in an unpleasant way. I realised then that I had hunan hand. It sort of bothered me all evening. I figured that all the dished I washed would have lessened it some. Well, this morning as I took a shower, I touched my right hand to my eye and felt an instant stinging. Fortunately I was in the shower and could flush it out. When I got out of the shower and toweled off, I noticed the burning sensation in my right hand again. I never had it last so long. I sure wonder what heat level these poblanos are, to cause that much discomfort.
