[CH] Mosquito Creek

Jose Cisneros (jcisn@comcast.net)
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 16:13:12 -0400

Another spring is waking
it stirs in it's sleep
a dreaming smile pulls at it's lips
fitfully pulling at the covers of dirty snow
and tattered leaves
The light shifting whiter day by day
small flocks of geese bring news
of warmer weather  
from the south
young eagles slide across the sky
looking for breaks in the ice
old winter melts and weeps
turning clear tea water
a muddy brown
swelling the banks of
mosquito creek

So.... It's almost time.....
Time to plant the peas and start the peppers
Blinding the eyes of seed potatoes with dirt.
A question.
Do you say cur-rick or do you say cree-k?

