[CH] Nearly-averted disaster (and a couple of questions)

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 17:14:33 -0500

Last night, I went out and bought new potting soil (Miracle-Grow), new
pots (the old ones were starting to dry rot and crack), and, within the
limits of what I could find, pepper plants (still have some to start
up from seeds, too, and I haven't seen yet whether or not my tabascos
will revive or not).

I was going to plant them all last night, but was too tired...so I was
going to plant today.  What I didn't know (and, fortunately, my roommate
did), is that it's supposed to freeze tonight.  Needless to say, my
little pepper plants are inside, the potting soil is still in my trunk,
and the seeds are still in the cabinet.

Question for the more experienced growers.  I've never seen anything but
tabascos come back after the winter, so they're all I even have any hope
for.  But is there an easy way to tell ahead of time whether or not they
will come back?  Or is it just a waiting game?

Finally, if the tabascos from two years ago do come back like they did
last year (in almost no time they were bigger than they'd been the year
before), they'll be returning to two-year-old soil.  Any suggestions on
what to use to re-vitalize the soil?


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