Re: [CH] Mantis tiller advice....

Ken Robinson (
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 17:29:06 -0400

Quoting Linda Reynolds <>:

> O.K. so I have made my actual garden smaller and I would like to be
> able to till my own garden
> and not have to ask someone to haul some beast over to do it for me..........
> I have heard both positive and crapola reviews of the mantis tiller so
> I figured I would ask the resident
> experts on this list what they think.....anyone with experience they
> would like to share? I see on listed in
> the local pennysaver but would like to know whether it's worth giving
> them a call or not....?

I've had a Mantis tiller for my small garden (about 10 x 6 feet) for a  
number of years. I started with the 2-stroke gas/oil one and then got  
the electric powered one which I like better.

I think it does a very good job of tilling the soil down to about 6 or  
7 inches. One problem I've had with it (both versions) is that the  
blades get clogged and have to cleaned ofter, especially if you have  
alot of roots/grass in your garden.

It's also very light and easy to handle.
