Re: [CH] Cannot send to (fwd) (WTFO?)

Jim Graham (
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:35:22 -0500

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:15:28AM -0400, =Mark wrote:
> It goes back to you for the same reason that when you hit "Reply" to
> messages from this list it goes back to the sender, not to the list.
> You have to hit "Reply All."

Actually, I have to hit 'L' (List-Reply in Mutt  :-)

If you use Reply-All, you end up sending a duplicate copy to the
person you're replying to (which gets rather annoying).

> This is the only list I'm on that's configured that way, and it's
> kind of a pain...

Actually, it's fairly common.  What is NOT normal is for bounces to
e-mail sent to the list going to the sender and not the list admin.
Such bounces, vacation auto-replies, etc., are generally sent to the
list admin instead of being shotgunned back out to the list.  At
least, well-behaved systems do it that way....  Anyone who has seen
a vacation auto-reply bounce back to an entire mailing list knows
that not all such programs behave the way they're supposed to.  It's
just surprising that's systems would be among the badly

Btw, this is all done via an X-something header (can't remember
what the "something" is off-hand) or via Return-Path (e.g.,
   Return-Path: <>
for the WX-ATLAN list, or for this one,
   Return-Path: <>

I'm about to "fix" this on my system with a simple procmail rule:
anything from or will go to /dev/null....


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