[CH] one big chilli -- a lot of bull...

KnoxBill (knoxbill@comcast.net)
Tue, 13 May 2008 19:13:21 -0400


ok, my education as a cowboy (when i was about eight) was mainly in 
detective work, and catching bank robbers...i wasn't in class the  day 
they had the lessons about cows...

this is a male "cow"...is that possible?...i thought a male bovine was a 

the article also refers to him as a 'heifer'...this seems to go against 
the little i remember my fellow cowpokes trying to teach me...isn't a 
heifer a lady cow?...



Elwood:  What kind of music do you get here ma'am?
Barmaid: Why, we get both kinds of music, Country and Western.