[CH] Rabbits

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Fri, 30 May 2008 12:45:46 -0500

Oh, the dastardly bunnies are taking all my pepper plants down to the soil! 
Nothing left and when the root try valiantly to send up another shoot, the 
rabbits gobble it down.  I don't know if I'm going to have any peppers this 
year or not.

Husband wants to shoot the rabbits but that like swatting a mosquito...lots 
more where that one came from.  Then he wants to put the dead rabbit in the 
garden to discourage his/her relatives from visiting...ICK!  I want him to 
fence in the darn garden plots but no luck convincing him to do that yet. 
They aren't big; two 4 ft. square raised beds with one for peppers and one 
for 'maters.  The bunnies don't seem to like the flavor of the tomato plants 

Oh well, there are always those old, shriveled produce from the supermarket.

CH #1148 of the moderate persuasion