[CH] Faux Chipotle

=Mark (mstevens@exit109.com)
Sun, 1 Jun 2008 11:13:15 -0400

Anybody else notice that in recent years chipotle has become a more and more
popular item?  It's showing up in chain restaurants, salsas and snacks. 
Problem is, they seem to share one characteristic, a complete lack of heat! 
Anyone who has tasted even a small bit of true chipotle knows that aside from
the smoky aspect, that they are pretty darn hot.  Even after almost 20 years
as a chilehead, a bit of one of those babies is something to make me sit up
and take notice.  

It seems that invariably the alleged "Chipotle" spiced products have no
noticeable heat, and might have well been made using liquid smoke.

In a double affront to Chilehead sensibilities, the Chain restaurant "Chiles,"
which uses a chile pepper as a logo (Always wanted them prosecuted for
misleading advertising, none of their food is hot...) offers chipotle chicken
and a chipotle burger.  You guessed it, none of it is spicy.   :-(

I guess it's just a follow up to the Texas A&M development of the heatless TAM
jalepeno that they introduced a dozen or so years ago (Which, by the way,
cross pollinates very easily.  Anyone note that finding actual hot jalepenos
in the supermarket in recent years is a hit or miss affair?), or the current
corporate search for a heatless habanero!  

I wonder if there is a market for the alcohol free vodka that comes out of my