Re: [CH] Green jalapenos (WAS: TAM Jalapenos)

Jim Graham (
Mon, 2 Jun 2008 14:41:12 -0500

On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 01:23:19PM -0400, =Mark wrote:
> I don't really like green jalapenos, hot or otherwise (unless smoked).
> Don't enjoy the "grassy" overtones.

In my opinion, green (i.e., non-ripened) jalapenos taste like wax.  They
have about the same texture, too.

> A nice red ripe one is nice, exponentially more so if hot. 

I agree there...but this year, I made the choice, for the first time
since I've had a pepper garden every year, not to waste space (not to
mention the money for Miracle Grow potting soil, etc.) on any jalapeno
plants.  I didn't add any additional habs, tabascos, or cayennes---I
just gave them all more room between plants...and very much to my
surprise, they've all expanded far beyond my expectations outward as
much as upward, and they've got far more peppers than I've ever seen
before.  :-)

Oh, I did add Chile Piquins (my mom brought me a bunch of peppers, and
one plant, from Texas---they grow wild *EVERYWHERE* in the area of
Texas---near San Antonio---where she lives...everyone has them growing
in their yards, along their fences, etc., whether they intended to have
them or not[1]).  Anyways, the plant she brought me is coming back after
the winter, and the seeds I planted are slowly starting to pop up from
the soil, followed by explosive growth.


[1] Out there, they grow like mint does here---don't plant it where you
    want anything else to grow...they'll probably choke everything else
    out.  Of course, if you're a chile-head, and we're talking about
    Chile Piquins, that's not such a bad thing!

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