[CH] Strawberry/Rhubarb/Manzano Salsa

JohnT (Love2Troll@kc.rr.com)
Thu, 12 Jun 2008 18:29:05 -0500

Strawberry/Rhubarb/Manzano Salsa

22 cups diced rhubarb (7 lbs net)
1 quart sliced strawberries (2 lbs net) diced
4 cups diced green bell peppers (1 lb 6 oz net)
4 1/2 cups diced sweet onions (1 lb 10 oz net)
1 3/4 cups diced celery (7.6 oz net)
1   8 oz can Dole Crushed Pineapple w/juice
3/4 cup diced manzano peppers (6.7 oz net)
1  14.5 oz can Hunt's Diced Tomatoes
2 tbs Morton Coarse Kosher Salt
1 pint water
2 cups 5% acid apple cider vinegar


Sear the diced bell peppers in ungreased iron pot until slightly blackened
Add onions and cook until just soft
Add all other ingredients and bring to boil for 10 min
Hot pack into sterilized jars & BWB (boiling water bath) for 15 min


Did the annual visit to my dear old mom in Minnesota the end of May to help
put in her garden.  I start tomatoes, peppers, cukes and a few herb
seedlings for her. (also a time to unload many lbs of frozen ho-made
burritos and jars of salsa)  Brought back some of her fresh rhubarb and some
strawberries that she had put up and frozen last fall.  Made into salsa.  My
onion chopper/mandolin type device makes perfect 3/8" cubes that works
pretty well for salsa if you like just a little chunky.  (I do)

Not bad, but needs some tweaking.  Maybe some cumin seeds next time.  Maybe
some Mex Oregano even though I prefer the MO added at time of eating.  A
couple of the ingredients I added just because I had them (pineapple &
tomatoes) and wanted a little more volume although think added little to
final result.

As usual, I go by net weight rather than 'cups' etc for determining how much
acidity to add for BWB canning safety.  I used frozen rather than fresh
manzanos (from Beth in TX) this time and the 3/4 cup weighed nearly double
of the fresh that I diced up last time made a salsa.

One of my neighbors prefers his salsa 'smooth' rather than chunky so I made
3 pints puréed before processing.  Butt-ugly brownish looking!  Much more 
in chunky form.  Not a sissy guy at all, but do like a nice presentation.
Maybe some pics of the two versions tomorrow.
