[CH] That *cursed* list??? :-))

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@shaw.ca)
Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:20:54 -0700

Hi Mark...well, first off, I can sympathize with those who are having 
problems, albeit of mostly their own making. However, this c-h list has 
worked well for all these years, even prior to my coming to it in 1996-7 
and ther are those who have been on longer. Many who were on the list 
have left, died, whatever, but some of us old stalwarts remain.
I have helped more than a few get back on the list, simply by giving 
them the correct procedure. Mike Bowers established this list many years 
ago, and finally got a server who would work with him, after another big 
change quite a few years back, where he lost all the files, due to a 
failure not of his making.
Mark, I was in no way being critical of your ideas, other than why 
change something that "aint broke"? It is only broke for those who 
insist in not using plain text, and who insist in using HTML. I do not 
use HTML, although as I have a Mac, and always have had, it is very 
simple to set it up that way. I also use Firefox and Thunderbird mail 
clients, and they also can use hyper text markup language, if I should 
so choose.
I am on many other lists, hosted by Yahoo, About, etc., and would find 
it simple to switch. But that is not the point. As Don(Rael) pointed out 
in his inimitable fashion, it isn't broke, it isn't ours, let Mike deal 
with it is he thinks it needs fixing. My view? It doesn't! Cheers, old 
Doug in BC Canada