Re: [CH] List Future

Jeff Schickowski (
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:35:10 -0500

On a number of lists that I have belonged to, both Chilehead and not,
the topic of changing to a different host, system, forum, or email
list provider comes up about once a year. Usually after a series of
technical difficulties or minor glitches.

There is always someone who offers right away to take on the
responsibility of revamping everything and "doing things the right
way." This generally brings on the two groups.

Group one, usually the longtime members, typically starts in with the
"I like things the way they are and we should never change a thing."

Group two, quite often the newcomers to the group, begin their whining
and complaining about how things "should" be done.

Both groups have their valid points, and of course they can both be
off base on osome things.

In other groups this has led to a divisive power grab where someone
decides that they want to run things and splits off a portion of the
members and they go off and do their own thing for a while. Until they
realize that starting a new group, or reworking an old one, is hard
work and then THEY are on the receiving end of the complaints and
bitching and moaning.

I'm not saying this is what's going on in this group, and I certainly
didn't take Mark Ellis's offer to host a mail group as a "power grab"
or anything of that kind. I myself have offered to do the same for
another similar group. I just wanted to make sure people were aware
that these discussions happen on many different groups and that we
shouldn't let our disagreements as to the handling of administrative
crap interfere with the continuation of the group.

I'd hate to see a group like this break apart. I looked back and found
that the earliest post I can find myself making in the archives was
January 1st, 1998. I know I was here before then but don't know where
or if the archived posts are available any farther back. I'd kind of
like to see the group continue for another few years or so as I've
learned a lot from this group and like to think I've give something
back over the years.

I think discussions like this are healthy but wanted to warn others to
keep things constructive.
