[CH] I'm happy here as well

Chet Bacon (chet@chetbacon.com)
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:40:06 -0400

Make that one more - just watching all the discussions going on.
If this list goes away - then it does - but I will still be here. (not 
that anyone cares)
We all go through our ups and downs. 
I do like the fact that the way this list is setup - no spam - no 
attachments- no logins - no issues other than topics that just don't 
excite me.
Usually in the spring it picks up and in the summer quiet again and back 
to it during harvest then quiet until spring.  So what..
I would rather this then a group anytime!

nuff said from this turning moderate chilehead.  Of course moderate to 
some is HOT and others NOT

PS - Nice to see all the old timers here! lol

T wrote:
> I've just been too lazy to post.
> Tom