[CH] A Moderate Recipe...

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:41:48 -0500

I know this has been on the list previously but not for a couple of years. 
It's for our jal-growing new recruit, Sammy.  With the new crop of jals 
coming in a few months, I want to be ready too!  Jals are a mainstay of the 
Moderate Corp mess hall.

                                                        Hot Olives

Buy a big jar of the largest stuffed green olives you can find.  I use the 
Queens from Sam's Club.  Pour the juice out into a dish and save.  Dig out 
all the little red pimentos, eat some and save some.  Take the now hollow 
olives and stuff each orifice with a piece of fresh jalapeno, as big a piece 
as the hole will accommodate without tearing.  Pack the re-stuffed olives 
back into the jar and pour the original juice back in.  I like to put a few 
cloves of peeled garlic in too and some of the pimentos if they fit.  Cap 
the jar and put into the fridge for a month.  YUM!!!

These are moderate, tasty, no cooking required, will fool friends on a 
buffet table and are just all around good!

CH #1146