[CH] Moderate Corps Roster

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:34:57 -0500

 Grand Poobah....SandyO
 First Lt. - Erich
 Patron Saint - Jim Campbell
 Buck Private - John T.
 Second Lt. In Charge of Plants and Bottles - Chet Bacon
 Boot Camp Recruit, Jalapeno Division - Sammy Shuford

JohnT...you aren't drifting over to the intense side and enjoying such 
things as ring of fire, are you??

CH #1146

BTW...Where is Hobby Farmer?  He was going to take over from the late Big 
Tom to do a new batch of CH cards.  Think of all the people who aren't 
card-carrying chileheads?