[CH] Little reminders we get every now and then....

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Fri, 4 Jul 2008 13:26:12 -0500

That subject line should really read, "Little reminders we shouldn't
need to get, but still always seem to get every now and then..."

Ok, so, I'm cutting up my habs for the hot sauce (already did the
cayennes).  I'm cutting them all up in batches, then blanching them
in boiling vinegar for about 5 minutes.

As I'm cutting them up, I slice a bunch in half (right in front of the
sink), then turn the water on (cold, of course), and lean over the
cutting board (see where this is headed?) to take each pepper in turn
to the faucet and rinse the seeds away.  I was in a hurry, and wasn't
thinking about what I was doing beyond working with the peppers.

Now, here's the problem...my gloves were only the type that cover the
hand...not the full hazmat gloves that go up to the elbow.  After I'd
spent a bit leaning over the cutting board, that had just been used to
cut up a bunch of habaneros, well, are you getting the picture here?
My left arm (which was resting on the board) and my right (incidental
contact) are both now on fire.  I even poured milk over my arm, to no

At least I DID have on a surgical mask, so I substantially limited the
amount of airborne cap. my lungs got nuked with.

The peppers are blanched and ready to go.  I'm taking a break to let
my arms cool down a bit.  :-)    Then, first thing I need to do is
get the (alreayd sanitized with Iodophor for roughly 99.99995 percent
kill) bottles boiled for about 15 minutes.  I can do the rest of the
prep while that's going.

Fun stuff....


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | "Now what *you* need is a proper pint of
spooky130@cox.net       | porter poured in a proper pewter porter
< Running FreeBSD 6.1 > | pot.."
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   30.39735N 86.60439W  |