Re: [CH] Little reminders we get every now and then....

Jim Graham (
Fri, 4 Jul 2008 23:22:31 -0500

On Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 09:32:23PM -0500, jim wrote:
> Is there a lot of difference expected in the pH?

I've never really given it that much attention, to be honest.  I know it
varies depending on ingredients, fermentation types (e.g., some beers,
like Lambics, have bacterial fermentation that directly produces acids),
etc., and fermentation temperature (which affects the yeast) probably
plays a role, too.

Besides, normally, when I hear any brewer worrying about the pH, it's
the pH of the mash, not the finished beer....

I saw an e-mail log entry where someone sent an e-mail to both me
(direct) and to the list a little over an hour ago.  It hasn't made
the list yet, and the duplicate copy sent to me was sent straight
to /dev/null by procmail (I only want one copy), but that person
could have your answers.

> Sorry I won't be able to stay current with this discussion- 4th of
> July & I'm at the firehouse.  We're really starting to get busy!

Yeah, I'm pretty much outta here on this thread, was
supposed to be just a quick, humorous note at my own expense.
Now, because I mentioned the "evil" topic of sanitization (which
inevitably leads to another botulism hasn't yet, but...).

I'd already tried to defuse this by pointing out that, basically, I like
the overkill, and if someone else doesn't, that doesn't bother me...and
it still doesn't.  I'm still going to take the extra precautions.  It's
my sauce.

Now, if someone thinks that my methods are NOT adequate, that's when I
DO care.  :-)

See y'all in another thread.....

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