[CH] Pickles

JohnT (love2troll@kc.rr.com)
Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:56:43 -0500

I inoculated quart jars cukes with 2 oz ea brine of an active ferment that 
had started with Kefir curds a couple weeks prior. Basic recipe makes 
incredible dill pickles in 5-6 weeks & my grandkids love them.  My grandson 
loves the hot stuff, but daughter not so much (yet) except for my milder 


5 pods ea variety per jar.  Cut a slit in each one. I added a lot more dill 
weed after the picture.


I don't use central air so the room temps are usually around 85° & the 
fermentations start really fast.  Lots of carbon dioxide bubbles even after 
only 24 hours.  If don't have a Kefir culture or live yogurt (it's the 
lactic acid bacteria we want) for inoculating...  use sourdough 'hooch'. 
Easy to make and even a little faster than the Kefir.

Pretty much what I did... 
http://www.fototime.com/8F4AACADF0BAA6A/standard.jpg  Except for adding the 
inoculant which for some reason is missing in the recipe.
