[CH] Hot sauce diet

jim (jim@mail.wildpepper.com)
Sat, 12 Jul 2008 16:15:53 -0500

Ted is right!!

Simple fact of the matter is, I love to eat.  Eating is mostly an excuse to 
get my favorite hot sauces into the system and most of the foods I use 
aren’t all that good for you.  This guy made fame and fortune touting the 
“hot sauce diet”, using hot sauce to curb his appetite, but I have the 
opposite problem as do a few others it seems!  Some sauces seem 
tailor made for a particular food and their combination I find absolutely 
irresistable.  “Texas Creek Chipotle Sauce” will cause me to eat an 
entire pizza, hungry or not.  “Road to Hell Hot Sauce” puts massive 
amounts of chilli down my gullet, needed or not.  Blair’s “Death Sauce” 
was made for wings and pizza rolls.  CaJohn’s “Chipotle Royale” does 
things to Mac & Cheese that shouldn’t be legal.  Unfortunately, my list is 
nearly endless!

-Jim C
Mild to Wild(R)