Re: [CH] using a dehydrator to dry chiles? (update/new question)

Jonathan Smillie (
Sun, 13 Jul 2008 22:04:36 -0400

Jim Graham wrote:
> One final question....  Should I rotate the trays every 12 hours, as the
> instructions say?  Or should I rotate them more often?
> Later,
>    --jim

I recall rotating the trays more often than that, but I can't swear to 
an exact schedule. I know I rotated all my trays at least once, then 
pulled the ones that seemed dry enough for my purposes, and continued 
drying with those that still needed work. If you want to do so on an 
8-hour schedule, I don't think you'd be doing yourself any disservice ( 
and you won't have to get up in the night to change trays!)

