[CH] Too hot outside for chili??

George (r2b9@earthlink.net)
Wed, 30 Jul 2008 08:49:12 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

>>From: "Sandy Olson" <sandyo@myclearwave.net>
...can't wait to fix some of that chili.  It will have to be in a few weeks, however.  Partly because it's darn hot in Iowa right now and a bowl of chili doesn't sound near as good as a bowl of guac.

OH contraireee!  The hotter the weather, the better for chili! You don't have to serve it cauldron-hot, but there's nothing better on a steamy Midwest afternoon than an infusion of spicy chili that makes your body sweat and your spirit pure.

Dang, looks like I'm making chili this weekend. S'posed to be the hottest of summer so far!

--Indiana George