Re: [CH] Pequin vs Tepin

Jim Graham (
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:46:40 -0500

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 07:35:39PM -0500, jim wrote:

> collectively called 'bird peppers'.  "Piquin" seemed to be the second
> most commonly applied name to a variety of chiles, though "Thai" and
> "red" could also give it a run ;-)

Don't forget tabasco peppers.  They grow straight up, too (and yes, the
birds do steal some of mine...I've seen 'em do it, and I've seen them
leave half-eaten peppers, too, but only once or twice).  Fortunately,
tabasco plants are such highly-prolific producers of chiles, one or two
lost here or there isn't noticeable unless you see the bird stealing it.

> I know what you're describing as "Tepin".  Small BB or pea sized, round
> chiles on plants with narrow leaves

Somewhere between BB and baby-pea (the tiny green peas with the French
brand name that cost twice as much and, IMHO, taste ten times as good)
sized, round, and on plants with virtually non-existant leaves would be
my description.  :-)    And add:  "amazingly hot for their tiny size" to
that description.

> and prolific producers Texas.  Not here.  Here, my Thai Pequins (until recently, when I
can't even get the seeds to crank a sprout out above the soil) have
always been the small beasties (along with Tabascos) that crank out
enough peppers that the plants are constantly covered with them....
Chile[tepin/pequin/whatever] just don't seem to like it here.

> Mine seem to do worse in wet years and/or in cool temps.

Then mine are really not going to like this weekend....  As of the
latest update (21/2100Z ,,, that's today at 9PM UTC, or 4PM CDT),
one of the forecast positions listed for Fay (23/1800Z - Sat 1PM CDT)
is directly on top of my location as a tropical depression (assuming
no further strengthening before it gets here, i.e., no significant
time over the Gulf).  It's going to be *VERY* wet starting sometime
tonight, maybe tomorrow, depending on Fay's movement, as the feeder
bands start moving in.  NWS says we may get as much as 12--15 inches
of rain, with higher amounts in some areas.

I just stepped outside (after checking out the GOES East Infrared image
for the Gulf coast from JStrack) and saw the image from JStrack (which,
in turn, as I said, is from the GOES East satellite) moving right over
my head (the very outer edge of the feeder bands).  I felt drops (about
1 every 30s ... certainly not what you'd call rain yet, but a sign of
things to come).

Btw, for those who don't know...rain from a tropical system isn't like
"normal" heavy rain (up to and including that from a supercell type
thunderstorm like in tornado alley).  Rain from a tropical system is
VERY HEAVY RAIN---*BIG* drops, little space between, and usually
horizontal, meaning the rain likes to slide in under doors, etc.....
I'll never forget Hurricane Ivan in '04...working comms at a shelter,
where we had teams of shelter workers,  me (their comm guy), one or
two adults (the others just watched and griped about all the water
coming in), and a few kids, working with mops (three adults to a door
where possible) and mop buckets (three buckets, two in use, one being
dumped by the kids who rotated them as fast as they could to try to
keep up with the water we were dumping in them.  The kids, btw, were
not allowed to move in front of us adults, in case the doors imploded.
We were their human shields.  We finally gave up when we realized that
A) we were rapidly losing ground, and B) the doors were REALLY bowing
inward a lot, and nobody wanted to stand in front of them---we did,
though, until we were told to give up, but we knew the risk we were
taking, and we didn't like it).

[off-topic gripe about people not stepping up to help deleted]

> Not unusual for mine to have a very dark stage to them also as they
> transition from green to red.

Strange.  I have never seen them do that, here or in Texas.

Ok...TS Fay Forecast/advisory Number 26 just came in...gotta check out
the latest.


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