[CH] Many Thanks

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Tue, 23 Sep 2008 22:03:03 -0500

Again, my Chilehead buddies have come through for me in force.  Thanks so 
much for all the comments...humorous and serious...about my 
underwear/spandex question.  I appreciate ALL the feedback and will act 

This is truly a great list.  I remember many years ago when I looked all 
over for a charcoal-fired Mongolian firepot. Someone on this list bought one 
for me in Denver, packed it up and mailed it without waiting for my check to 
appear.  Honesty, kindness, heat....what more can a gal want in her friends 

CH #1146 and Grand Pooh Bear in Spandex of the Moderate Corps