Re: [CH] angry jalapenos

Jim Graham (
Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:50:16 -0500

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 08:58:26AM -0400, Linda Hutchinson wrote:
> You had a different summer than us. Our garden went wild!! Peppers so
> many I [....]

FWIW, same here in NW FL.  I've never gotten so many habs as this year.
I put away about 5--6 pounds of habs from just two weeks worth from
the garden ... and I got 1.5 to 2 times that much before (all went into
hot it's time for a jelly).  My habs and cayennes are
slowing down now, but my tabasco plants are taking up the slack---they
started late, but are now quite tall and have quite a few red (but not
ripe yet) and a good, thick coverage of still-green peppers.

The only thing I changed was the spacing between plants (I increased
it...a lot).

One very happy chile-head here!


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< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | pot.."
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