[CH] We lost our sauce!

John Jacobs (jmajacobs@earthlink.net)
Sun, 28 Sep 2008 16:13:19 -0700

Greetings Chile Heads,

I'm a long time subscriber to this list although I haven't been active an a
few years.  I'm coming in from the cold to turn to the members of this list
for help.  We were first exposed to this sauce 20 years ago in New Orleans.
Ever since, we've been ordering a supply - first by phone, then online.  We
just emptied the last of our most recent order of six bottles having not
properly anticipated actually running out but assuming the sauce would be
there for reorder.  Much to our surprise and sadness, it appears that the
manufacturer has gone out of business.  The company was the Old New Orleans
French Market Seafood Company.  And they were located in - you guessed it -
the French Market in New Orleans.  The owner was the Bernard family.  When
we first started buying and ordering their sauce, it was called Mad Dog.  We
still call it that although they had to change the name because there was a
commercially-bottled sauce with that name.  So the most recent name, in full

Old New Orleans French Market Seafood Company Real Cajun XXXX Hot Sauce

We visited New Orleans in December of 2006 and although the market was still
struggling with the aftermath of Katrina (as was/is the whole city), they
were in business and the Seafood Company was there and active.  So whatever
happened took place between the end of 2006 and now.  And since we ordered
sometime within the last year or so, that narrows it down even further.

Their ordering page still exists although placing an order on the page does
not result in any commerce actually taking place.  You get an auto-generated
confirmation for your order but nothing happens - your card isn't actually
charged and the product doesn't ship.  The whole transaction disappears into
the bit bucket.

The product we appear to have lost is the third, fourth, fifth and sixth
item as you scroll down on this page:

Does anyone have any information on the demise of the French Market Seafood
Company?  And if so, is there any chance (I know this is a real stretch)
that the Bernard family is still making this sauce somewhere?  Or might you
know of any resellers who may have a stock of this sauce available for

Thanks to the members of this list for thinking about this and thanks in
advance for any help you can provide.  Either post to the list or feel free
to contact me directly at jmajacobs@earthlink.net.

John Jacobs
Tucson AZ