[CH] Open Fields 2008

jim (jim@mail.wildpepper.com)
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:59:39 -0400

 What a weekend that was!  Picture perfect weather, great people & 
LOTS of chiles & food :-)

Too many folks to try and even list that are owed thanks, from Jeff, Rob & 
Will who organized everything to do with the hot sauce contest; to our 
intrepid judges who slogged their way through all the sauces, jellies, 
candies, BBQ's & salsa's; to the folks that helped me clean up all the 
trash; and especially all who contributed to the charity- either in the form 
of raffle prizes (Brooke, Kendra, Susan, BETH, CaJohn, JohnT, and 
many others) or for bidding (Scott KCK, Dan H, Hennifer, and others) or 
in the purchase of raffle tickets (Pepper Le If I buy them all, no one else 
can win LePew).  Raised for the charities through the incredible 
generosity of chileheads:  $2,337.91  Future police officers (Jason 
Baker Memorial Scholarship, Army Officers (LtGen Maude Foundation), 
firefighter kids (Jim Cleek Scholarship), and I sincerely thank you!

That total still goes up a bit as people get their official poster from the 
event at OpenFieldsonline.com

Please consider this the first official announcement and invite to make 
plans for next year:  Sept 26th & 27th 2009.

-Jim C
Mild to Wild(R)