Re: [CH] Blue garlic

=Mark (
Sun, 16 Nov 2008 11:05:55 -0500

Sounds like a job for Google...

On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 10:54:01 -0500, Jonathan Smillie wrote
> Not as OT as you might think... I've been steeping a gallon jar full 
> of Bolivian Rainbow chiles and whole garlic cloves in white vinegar 
> for a week now, intending to use it as the basis of some hot sauce,
>  but over the last couple of days I've noticed that some - not all-
>  of the garlic has begun to turn a rather fetching shade of blue 
> (more lavender, really).
> I recall reading somewhere earlier on the list that this had to do 
> with iodine content (although I haven't put salt, iodized or 
> otherwise, in this mix) - but the core question is, is the blue 
> garlic still safe to eat, or is the discoloration indicative of 
> bacteria or something else that would recommend discarding this batch?
