Re: [CH] Ignoring Dr's orders

Doug Irvine (
Thu, 12 Feb 2009 07:04:56 -0800 wrote:
>  And If you buy the first edition, ignore what
> she says about mammograms; at the time she wrote it, the amount of 
> radiation used was
> much higher than it is today, and there really  was some cause for 
> hesitation.  I hope her
> recommendation against them changed in the revision.)
> Rain
> @@@@
> \ \ \ \ \ \
Wise words indeed, from Rain! When Marie had a mammogram some 21 years 
ago February, a small tumor was detected.
Because of where it was located, no time was lost in excising it, and 
when it was found to be one solid mass of malignant
tissue, the oncologist and our Dr who was also there, decided that a 
mastectomy was required. So on Feb 14th 21 years ago my bride became a 
tad lopsided! SO WHAT! The rest of her is still here,  and in 20 more 
days we celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary, which would very likely 
never occur had that mass proliferated without removal. So,  doctors do 
NOT know everything, even if some of them think they do.  So Helen, just 
ignore  that Doc  of yours.   Cool  your  hot 
flashes with cold lemonade and cool your hot mouth with cold milk!
Cheers,  old Doug and Marie in BC