[CH] New Gardening Site for Little Gardeners

The Lash (info@thelash.com)
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 12:41:43 -0400

Hey everybody- I have started a gardening site for those of us who like 
to garden but are space challenged, ie, we garden in containers, 
balconies, roofs, windows, and other assorted small plots. It's called 
Little Gardens, and you can get to it by going to:


I know there are a few people on this list who garden in small plots, so 
I thought you might be interested. It's not a mailing list, more of a 
forum. Please come by & join us if you're interested. You don't HAVE to 
be a "little gardener" to join though- we welcome advice from Big 
Gardeners too...
