Re: [CH] Growing Peppers in Buckets

Chet Bacon (
Sun, 26 Apr 2009 07:17:00 -0400

Yes you need holes in the buckets.. As stated by Jim in a previous 
post.  I agree with Jim on almost everything, except I grow multiples in 
one pot - no more than 3 in a large pot - 16" deep and 24" across - BTW 
nurseries might have left overs you can purchase or ask them for the 
returns.  I mix my soils and I tend to stay away from Miracle  grow as a 
total soil source - usually mix in some sand as well.
After the plants get to a large size and start producing - I too let 
them get thirsty - to the point of wilting - then water.  We also use 
water that has had egg shells soaking in it for a couple weeks - whew! 
but it seems to work.
Any fertilizer is usually fish emulsion based and mixed with the water 
for watering.  The wonderful thing about potting methods is you can 
control the sun conditions too.

Hope this helps and enjoy your peppers - you'll get a lot and they will 
be hot.  Well - IMHO

A.K.A. - Chesterchile - hoping to be at open fields this year!

Dan D Niles wrote:
> I tried growing peppers in my garden last year, and they did horrible.
> I'm going to try growing them in buckets this year.
> I found a few sites with info, but nobody said anything about putting
> holes in the bottom of the buckets.  Do you need holes to let the water
> drain out?
> Any particularly good web sites about growing peppers in buckets?
> Thanks,
> Dan