Re: [CH] See-ra-cha... I mean sir-rotch-cha... I mean, that

Linda Reynolds (
Wed, 20 May 2009 11:57:26 -0400

It is a staple around my house as well. Kids won't eat chicken without it. 
Forwarded message to my snow bird neighbor still down in Florida as I 
turned her on to it as well. I initially tried it in the early 90's in 
Philly. Started ordering it by the case from the company as I couldn't find 
it around here and was the "supplier"of the neighborhood. You can find it 
now around here at Wally world for a little over 2 bucks......

At 11:51 AM 5/20/2009, you wrote:

>In my house, my daughter just calls it "Daddy's Ketchup".  Easier to 
>In Indy, it's used as a decorative plate sauce at Rick's Boatyard restaurant