Re: [CH] Strange Question but not really O/T
Sat, 20 Jun 2009 17:53:54 -0400 wrote:

> stop ingesting coffee, tea, alcohol and spicy food 

My doc specifically told me NOT to give up caffeine, just to use it in 
and preferably as green tea.  And fortunately he's a raving chilehead; I 
take him
homemade sauce and he pretty much purrs with happiness. :)

He also knows I've cleared up an ulcer or two almost entirely with 
chiles.  It's
good science, and one good thing about JJ is that he keeps up with 
chiles are strongly antiseptic, and unlike ethyl (beverage) alcohol, 
they kill
the bacterium responsible for ulcers.  There's also some evidence that 
high vitamin C content may speed up healing.

> without mentioning any of the other, far more dangerous, in my never humble  
> opinion, things that are being put into food these days, like preservatives, 
> artificial flavourings, msg, etc.

And the antibiotics and artificial hormones given to most livestock so 
they can crowd
them more and force them to grow faster, and that stay in the meat.  
But, count on it,
we will get made fun of or just plain yelled at here for talking about 
that stuff--
portrayed as nervous Nellies who want to spoil other people's fun and/or
encourage Federal fascism. <shrug> No wuckers, as my Aussie friends say; 
I've learned
to let it roll right off. :)

> Anyone with a modicum of interest in the chilli pepper, with a little research, quickly discovers (short of someone with Crohn's or an allergy, that theses tiny little fruits are the food of the Gods. They are chockful of Vitamins and anti-oxidants and have been really really good for people for tens of thousands of years.

Damn right.   And was it here or someplace else recently that I was 
reading about the
MONSTER level of chile consumption in southern India?  If it wasn't 
here, I'm gonna
go find the article and post it.  It was astounding.

Keep on rockin',