[CH] Calvin's Powder

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Thu, 25 Jun 2009 08:36:54 -0500

Yes, Yes, Yes, Patron Saint of the Moderate Corps!   Please give it your 
best shot at a similar powder. I hope someone has saved a label you can use. 
Calvin's powder was one of my very favorites as it did not make the skin on 
my tongue blister up and peel off ;^)  Is anyone still able to contact 
Calvin; he would probably share his recipe since he cannot use it any 
longer.  Doug?

Erich.. how are you? Still a moderate or slipping toward the dark side of 
heat??  We haven't rallied the Corps in a long time; don't know if everyone 
is still on this list or has defected.

CH #1146 and Grand Pooh Bear of the Moderate Corps