[CH] Howdy everyone!

Doug Scudder (capsayshun@gmail.com)
Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:44:40 -0700

Hi y'all,
I think the digest is finally getting through again.  It's great to be 
back and see so many of "the crew" still here and posting.  I've got a 
few plants in the ground this year, nothing like past years.  I had to 
pot them since "The Verminator" has not been at his usual best in the 
gopher department.  Rotating between Backdraft, El Yucateco Kutbil Ik, 
and WalkersWood Scotch Bonnet to keep the heat up.  JimC, after a couple 
of months I noticed the "Refrigerate" on the label of Backdraft.  It's 
been sitting on a shelf above my desk at work.  I have suffered no ill 
effects though some would say a sweating head, ringing ears, and stupid 
grin qualify as such.  Anyway, it's good to be back and a special shout 
out to mi tokayo in B.C., Hey Doug!